On January 11-12, Andre House of Hospitality celebrated its 40th Anniversary of making God known, loved, and served on the streets of Phoenix. There was a lot of planning that went into such a wonderful weekend. Festivities began on Saturday the 11th with a Panel Discussion from Former Directors, Board members, and the current Director, John Delaney. Sunday, January 12th was a time for more fellowship and continued conversation, after a beautiful celebration of Holy Mass.
Throughout the whole weekend, we heard some great stories about the inspiration behind how and why Andre House began, we mused on what the newly developed Cor program brings to Andre House and how Andre House has evolved and grown over time from the one house they inhabited to the site of the old St. Mary’s Food Bank which offers our guests much more than a daily meal but is actually able to meet many basic daily needs. We finally reflected on how Andre House can look forward to the next 40 years: the founding principles and truths it can nourish and cultivate, and share more boldly and readily its Catholic identity and Holy Cross heritage, tradition, and spirituality. After all, name Andre House was taken directly from Holy Cross’ first Saint: Brother Andre (Alfred) Bessette, a poor, frail man who was orphaned at the age of 12, turned to St. Joseph to be his spiritual father, and who stood faithfully and devotedly at College Notre Dame, receiving many who left Bro. Andre miraculously cured, such that he became known as the “Crutch Collector” and the “Miracle Man of Montreal”.
All of the celebration reminded me of the story of David in the Old Testament. David has this moment with God where he says: David had been reflecting on God’s Providence in his life, and has this intimate desire to do something beautiful, something good, for the Lord who had been so kind to him. Despite, and perhaps even prompted by his sins and failings, he cries out: “Why should I be living in a house of cedar while the ark of God’s covenant dwells in a tent?” as it turns out, David gets the answer to his question. But in classic fashion, God answers David’s question with a question: “Why should you build me a house to live in? I have been with you wherever you’ve been!”
In other words, thank you for wanting to do something beautiful for me! But remember, it was I who chose you, not you who chose me! If you want to do something beautiful and holy for God it would be this: Remember all the times God has been with you. Yes, build holy spaces for God in your life. Yes, carve out time to ask God what your vocation is. Yes, work with all your heart at whatever your soul is lifted up to pursue. But remember, with all your good actions, decisions, choices, desires, God has been with you wherever you’ve been. And that includes the valley, the storm, the pit, the cross. God’s been with Andre House wherever it’s been. We have a guest Dana who told me at the 40th Anniversary that she’s been with Andre House for 31 of our 40 years, since she was 11 years old. Andre House has moved locations, has struggled at different stages wondering how much to grow, what it’s really here to do, who it’s really here for…meanwhile God’s been showing and revealing to Andre House those people and those tasks every step of the way.
In the paraphrased words of St. Andre Bessette: God’s never abandoned Andre House and he won’t stop now. Ours is a sharing in the work only He can do. As the Early Church Father John Chrysostom says: take care to show reverence in decorating the church or chapel, in affording precious chalices, vessels for the sacraments, but do not neglect the Body of Christ outside, your brother and sister who is in need. For they are the most precious temple of all.
Fr. Andrew Fritz, CSC
Published on 22 January 2025