
The United States Province staffs 13 parishes in the United States, focusing the Congregation’s resources on parishes with schools and those that serve the poor.

Wherever We Go, We are Family

The first Holy Cross Priests were recruited by Blessed Basil Moreau to preach in parishes and assist diocesan clergy in the French countryside. After Fr. Edward Sorin, C.S.C., crossed the Atlantic and settled in Northern Indiana, he ventured out on horseback as a circuit rider to celebrate Mass and the Sacraments for Catholics who rarely saw a priest.

Eventually, he founded a number of parishes in the area.

Today, we staff fifteen parishes in the United States and one in Mexico, focusing the Congregation’s resources on parishes with schools and those that serve the poor.

We also provide parish assistance in dioceses throughout the United States.

Fr. Paul Ybarra raises consecrated host

“Wherever we work we assist others not only to recognize and develop their own gifts but also to discover the deepest longing in their lives.”

— Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross, 2:16

Goodyear, Arizona

St. John Vianney Parish

“To know Jesus and to make him known.”

Located just west of Phoenix in Goodyear, St. John Vianney Parish and Catholic School is guided by the Congregation of Holy Cross.

Established in 1992 under the leadership of Rev. Joseph Corpora, C.S.C., the mission of St. John Vianney Catholic School is to fulfill Holy Cross founder Blessed Moreau’s vision of educating both minds and hearts by setting high academic standards and embracing the call to serve.

The school serves children in preschool through eighth grade. The parish offers Masses in English and in Spanish, as well as a Sunday Mass for bilingual parishioners.

St. John Vianney

Blessing during Mass at St John Vianney Catholic Church in Goodyear, Arizona
Sacred Heart Parish of Colorado Springs exterior

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Sacred Heart Parish of Colorado Springs

Sacred Heart Parish of Colorado Springs includes three churches — Sacred Heart on the west side of Colorado Springs, Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Manitou Springs, and Holy Rosary Chapel in the lower part of Ute Mountain Pass — operating as one community. The pastoral services are provided by one Holy Cross pastoral team, although each of the churches has its own schedule of Sunday Masses and its own distinct “flavor” to its worship and community interaction.

Sacred Heart

Viera, Florida

​St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

“Making God known, loved, and served within and beyond our faith community through worship, education, and action.”

It all began in 1987, when the Orlando Diocese purchased 20 acres for a future church on Murrell Road. Fourteen years later, with the church still yet to be built, the Congregation of Holy Cross approached the diocese and offered to provide priests to start a new parish in Central Florida. A new site was selected on Stadium Parkway in Viera and on March 31, 2007, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, along with almost 1,600 families, celebrated the first Mass in Holy Cross Hall/The Parish Life Center. Saint John’s offers Mass, the Sacraments and many ministries, including social, youth and community outreach, as well as several faith formation programs.

St. John the Evangelist

Saint John the Evangelist in Viera Florida
Sacred Heart Crypt Church Altar at Notre Dame

Notre Dame, Indiana

Sacred Heart Parish

Located on the campus of the University of Notre Dame, Sacred Heart Parish is the oldest continuous parish founded and staffed by the Congregation of Holy Cross. The parish was started with the University of Notre Dame in late November of 1842 by Holy Cross priests and brothers, led by the Rev. Edward Sorin, C.S.C.

Parish liturgies are held daily in the Crypt of Notre Dame’s Sacred Heart Basilica. The parish’s Social Justice Ministry seeks to live out the Gospel message to respect human life and dignity and to work for justice and peace. The ministry includes Center for Peace and Non-Violence, Habitat for Humanity, a neighborhood food pantry, a community rescue mission and a refugee program.

Sacred Heart

South Bend, Indiana

St. Joseph Parish

Although the current church was erected in 1965, South Bend’s St. Joseph Parish possesses a rich history dating all the way back to 1853 when Rev. Edward F. Sorin, C.S.C., founder of the University of Notre Dame, established St. Joseph, originally called St. Alexis Chapel.

The parish is South Bend’s oldest Catholic worship community and its St. Joseph Grade School was founded one year after the parish and thus is the oldest continuously operating school in the city of South Bend.

St. Joseph


Recessional at St. Joseph Catholic Church
Holy Cross Parish exterior

South Bend, Indiana

Holy Cross Parish

Holy Cross Parish was founded in 1929 — served by a Holy Cross pastoral team with a single mission: to glorify God. Members of the parish do so by using their time, talentand treasure in worship and in service to all of their brothers and sisters.

Members participate in a wide variety of activities that enhance their spiritual lives while improving the lives of others. Holy Cross School was established in 1929 — even before the church building was established — and is one of the oldest Catholic elementary schools in Indiana.

Holy Cross

South Bend, Indiana

St. Adalbert/St. Casimir Parish

St. Adalbert Parish and St. Casimir Parish were both founded by Polish-Americans, but today are very culturally diverse parishes offering Masses in Spanish, as well as English. In 2003, the two parishes were united under one pastoral team staffed by the Congregation of Holy Cross.

St. Adalbert Parish is united in the belief of the redeeming and real presence of Jesus Christ. St. Adalbert Parish is strengthening families and the South Bend community through evangelization, vibrant worship, the education of children, the faith formation of the people of God and service to those in need.

St. Casimir Parish, founded in 1899, has been staffed ever since by the Congregation of Holy Cross. One of the most beautiful structures in the area, the church was awarded the highest historical architectural ranking by the Historic Preservation Commission.

St. Adalbert          St. Casimir


Saint Casimir Parish interior
Christ the King altar

South Bend, Indiana

Christ the King Catholic Church

Founded in 1933 to serve the area just north of South Bend, Christ the King Catholic Church is a parish of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. Entrusted to the care of the Congregation of Holy Cross, the church has been faithfully served by Holy Cross priests and brothers ever since.

Classes began at Christ the King School in 1953, with the original school building opening in 1955. The school has since witnessed several expansions. A new primary wing opened in 1979 and another addition was dedicated in 2001, housing a new library and computer, music, and science facilities. The school serves more than 500 children from Pre-K through 8th grade.

Christ the King

South Easton, Massachusetts

Holy Cross Parish

“Committed in faith and love of Jesus Christ to fulfill the profoundly human and spiritual needs of its parishioners and the larger community it serves.”

Located in South Easton, Holy Cross Parish is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River and a community of approximately 1,300 families. Founded in 1967, the parish seeks to inspire all, through deeds and by example, to do the work of Christ: to make God known, loved and served

Holy Cross

Holy Cross Parish in Bennington, Vermont<br />
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Portland, Oregon

Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

“Educating through faith. Bringing hope through service. Rooted in Christ.”

Located in North Portland, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church was established by Archbishop Alexander Christie in 1906. A combination church/school/hall was erected in 1907. In 1927, Archbishop Edward Howard dedicated the current church. Holy Redeemer Catholic Church offers Sunday Masses in both English and Spanish.

Since 2002, the Congregation has also led Holy Redeemer Catholic School, a faith-filled community committed to academic excellence, prayer and service, and the most ethnically diverse Catholic school in Oregon.

Holy Redeemer

Austin, Texas

St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church

“A Eucharistic people, diverse yet united in Christ, called to become his bread for the world.”

The church offers both English and Spanish Masses, as well as a Sunday Mass interpreted for the deaf and a Sunday Life Teen Mass.

The church participates in the Capital IDEA program, which assists low-income individuals with education to help break the cycle of poverty. The parish also works with Austin Interfaith, which advocates for the poor. Additionally, St. Ignatius offers the Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat. St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School had been developing curious minds, compassionate hearts and committed lives since 1940.

St. Ignatius Martyr Church & School

Adoration at St. Ignatius Martyr
CSC Parish in Bennington Vermont

Bennington, Vermont

Sacred Heart Saint Francis de Sales Parish

And St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, North Bennington

“May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere.”

Dating back to 1854, Sacred Heart Saint Francis de Sales was the first Catholic church in southern Vermont. Very active in both the community and around the world, the church offers Mercy Meals, a program in which parishioners make and deliver healthy meals to parish families caring for a sick family member.

The School of Sacred Heart Saint Francis de Sales, which includes grades pre-K through 8th, provides excellence in academics and a deepening faith in God and Gospel values, in an environment that is caring, challenging and respectful. The school strives to develop in every student the habits of thinking critically and acting responsibly in daily life.

Sacred Heart Saint Francis de Sales was placed under the direction of the Congregation of Holy Cross in 1958 by Bishop Robert F. Joyce.

Although St. John the Baptist was founded in 1885, the present church was dedicated in 1928. The parish has had a Holy Cross pastor since 2008.

Sacred Heart Saint Francis          St. John the Baptist


While the work of Holy Cross began in education and parish ministry, our mission takes across borders of every sort. For the U.S. Province, our mission includes outreach ministries to the poor, spiritual ministries for families, and a Catholic publishing house. Our mission also includes international ministries, where we seek to educate the hearts and minds of people around the globe.


The priests and brothers of Holy Cross serve in educational institutions around the country, where they seek to form the hearts and minds of young people.


The United States Province serves 15 parishes in the United States and one in Mexico, focusing the Congregation’s resources on parishes with schools and those that serve the poor.


Through our creative missionary efforts, we make God known, loved and served in the United States, as well and around the globe.