A Half Century of Marian Pilgrimage at Miriam Ashram in Bangladesh

The following text was adapted from the Holy Cross General Administration’s March 2025 newsletter.

On February 13 and 14, the Mariam Ashram in Diang, Bangladesh, celebrated its 50th Annual Marian Pilgrimage. Both the ashram itself and the pilgrimage were begun by Servant of God Flavian Laplante. Now organized by the Brothers of the St. Joseph Province, this year’s pilgrimage drew over 8,000 people from various religions of Bangladesh. Over 50 Holy Cross Brothers joined in the celebration, led by Br. Ripon J. Gomes, C.S.C. (SJP), Provincial, and including Br. Lawrence Dias, C.S.C. (SJP), who lives at the Ashram.

Both days of the pilgrimage included large Masses. On February 13, the presider was the Most Rev. Subroto Lawrence Howlader, C.S.C. (SHP), Archbishop of Chittagong, while on 14 February, it was the Most Rev. Emmanuel Kanon Rozario, Bishop of the Diocese of Barishal.

In addition to the Eucharistic celebrations, there were many other Catholic rituals and devotions during the two-day pilgrimage, including rosary prayers, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There were also several cultural programs. The highpoint was a solemn candlelight procession on Thursday night, filling the Mariam Ashram with prayers, hymns, and chants.

The theme for this year’s pilgrimage was: “On the Path of Faith with the Shepherd, Holding the Hand of Mother Mary”. The homilies and talks over the two days emphasized Mary’s role in the lives of believers, emphasizing her compassion, strength, and intercession on behalf of humanity. Examples were drawn from Sacred Scripture, and the pilgrims were invited to review their own relationship with Mary and see how they might walk more closely with her in their daily lives.

Published by the Holy Cross Mission Center on: March 3, 2025

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