Belonging to God & Those We Serve

As Holy Cross religious and priests, we profess and promise that everything we are, have, and do belongs singularly to God alone. Since my profession of perpetual vows and ordination to the Priesthood, nothing has reminded me more of this truth than my birthday.

Last year, on June 29th as a recently ordained priest,  I was called over to a house to celebrate last rites for a woman dying in hospice care. That night as the family and I gathered around the bed, it was a powerful reminder to me of how grateful I am that by my religious vows and priestly identity, I bring the presence of Christ to those who need him most: the sad, the mourning, and the dying. The gift of my life becomes a gift for others through the Congregation of Holy Cross.

This year, on June 29th, I celebrated the baptism of one of our newest parishioners at St. John Vianney in Goodyear, Arizona, baby Jesus Alejandro. The parishioners knew beforehand that it was my birthday and so they sang to me “Las Mananitas”. It’s so funny how in one moment, we were praising God for the gift of baptism and rebirth into eternal life for this child of God, and the next moment the parishioners were thanking me for the gift of my priesthood. I was celebrating another year of life, and this baby was experiencing his first as an adopted son of God.

Yes, I am so grateful that my life touches others in so many heart-breaking and  beautiful ways like the way it touches the lives of my parishioners at St. John Vianney. As Pope Benedict XVI said in a meeting with the clergy of Poland in 2006: 

The faithful expect only one thing from priests: that they be specialists in promoting the encounter between man and God. The priest is not asked to be an expert in economics, construction, or politics. He is expected to be an expert in the spiritual life.” 

In that way, we continue in the venerable tradition of our founder Blessed Father Moreau in reproducing the life of Christ by the way we live our life.

 If we are all that we are, it is only for Him, and we must strive unceasingly towards Him as our center.

Fr. Andrew Fritz, C.S.C.

Published 12 July 2024

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