In my previous article, I shared with you a summary of the 40 Hours Devotion that Holy Cross Parish celebrated last October. It was truly a blessed...
Preparing for Lent
As we prepare for Lent to begin, I thought I would turn to Moreau’s writings to see how he might help us get ready for this season. I was drawn to a...
An Instrument in the Hands of God’s People
Recently, I came across an Instagram post of a dad giving some advice to other dads. He shared that oftentimes when he comes home from a...
Educating in the Faith: Celebrating Catholic Schools Week
“[W]hat would it matter to children to know how to read, write, calculate, or draw, or to learn a couple of ideas on history, geography, geometry,...
The Power of Confession
One of the coolest things about being a priest is hearing confessions and absolving sins. In seminary, for me it was the most daunting prospect of...
Servant of God Theotonius Ganguly’s Identity in Christ
How can we succinctly summarize who someone is? What is at the very heart of someone’s God-given identity? In thinking about Servant of God...
Evangelized by the Poor: Known by Name
I (finally) watched Hamilton this past week for the first time. I must say that it lived up to the hype that I’d heard around it for years. In the...
Lent 2024: The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert
By Rev. Ronald Raab, C.S.C. On the first Sunday of Lent, we proclaim Mark 1:12-15 at Mass. After Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit led him into the...
Common Table at the Holy Cross Novitiate
In Holy Cross we talk often about the importance of our common prayer, common purse, and common table. These are essential dimensions of our common...