One day a couple of weeks ago, I wandered into the common social area of our Holy Cross Court to find Fr. Richard Rutherford, one of our retired...
The Extraordinary in the Ordinary
I certainly do not think this is unique to me, but Advent has always been my favorite liturgical season. The hymns, the wreath with candles, the...
Evangelized by the Poor: Good Samaritans
A common stereotype of the poor, both East and West, is that they are always looking to get something out of you, that they will always be asking...
Thanksgiving in Community
“Are you spending Thanksgiving with family?” This question is often asked by those we minister with and to, and I can always confidently answer...
Auxilium: Serving the People of God
As a Holy Cross priest pursuing higher studies, it is no surprise that much of my day is spent in study. But as important as my offering of my work...
Fighting for a Cause: Baraka Bouts 2023
Each year in November for the past 21 years the Notre Dame Women’s Boxing Team has put their skill and strength to work in the ring for the annual...
Sitting in the Questions
College is a time for asking questions — and oftentimes BIG questions! Many of the students I work with are asking these big questions of...
Going Home Again
“You can’t go home again,” as the saying goes. This past year, I got to test this claim out for myself. After fourteen years as a professor at the...
Shepherds among the Sheep
In the past few years two Holy Cross priests have been named bishops in the United States and ordinaries of their dioceses: Bishop Bill Wack,...