For generations, young men being formed to become Holy Cross priests and brothers have done so under the watchful gaze of five angels. Spanning the...

For generations, young men being formed to become Holy Cross priests and brothers have done so under the watchful gaze of five angels. Spanning the...
It’s hard to believe, but the first quarter of the academic year here at Cathedral High School in Indianapolis is already drawing to a close. This...
As part of my doctoral program this semester, I have the pleasure of serving as a Teaching Assistant for an introductory theology course for honors...
E Pluribus Unum — "One out of many" — is an epithet the United States sometimes uses to describe itself as a nation made up of many different ethnic...
Before I entered the Congregation of Holy Cross, I spent a year as a lay missionary teaching in a high school in Nairobi, Kenya. I found great joy...
By Rev. Ronald P. Raab, C.S.C. On September 15, the Universal Church celebrates Our Lady of Sorrows. This...
Bangladesh. Invoking the name inspires a wide variety of internal responses. Some are captivated by images of the wild jungles of India and the...
Every 15th day of the month reminds me just how much God’s power and grace can be poured out in one single moment. Of course, God’s power and grace...
As members of a religious congregation, Holy Cross priests and brothers have always professed the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, but did...