Over Spring Break I had the privilege of going on a pilgrimage to Rome with fellow seminarians and a group of men from Notre Dame and Holy Cross...

Over Spring Break I had the privilege of going on a pilgrimage to Rome with fellow seminarians and a group of men from Notre Dame and Holy Cross...
This week the Church enters into the greatest drama of all time; the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I find it to be one...
"When I am lifted up from the earth I will draw all men to myself " (Jn 12:32). As I stood among the concelebrants surrounded by about 20,000 people...
It is my great privilege to be spending this year working at Saint Joseph High School as a student teacher. I spent the fall semester sitting in on...
As I was fishing some Corn Pops out of our baptismal font the other day, one of our parishioners turned to me and said: "Fr. Brian, your life has...
This Lent perhaps we could spend some time considering what is happening when we engage in intercessory prayer. When we pray for another, are we...
It has long been called "The Ash Wednesday Phenomenon." This title refers to the fact that, even though no one is "obligated" to come to church on...
Steven Spielberg's 1982 motion picture classic "E.T.--The Extra Terrestrial" captured the hearts and minds of moviegoers around the world with...
In his first circular letter to the Brothers of Saint Joseph, whom the designs of Providence had entrusted to his care, Basil Moreau wrote, "Receive...