On Saturday, August 27, 2018, Brian Kennedy, C.S.C., Karl Romkema, C.S.C., Brogan Ryan, C.S.C., Michael Thomas, C.S.C., and Bryan Williams, C.S.C.,...

On Saturday, August 27, 2018, Brian Kennedy, C.S.C., Karl Romkema, C.S.C., Brogan Ryan, C.S.C., Michael Thomas, C.S.C., and Bryan Williams, C.S.C.,...
Earlier this month, as our parish community celebrated Ash Wednesday, I was able to preside at our school Mass. I love celebrating Mass with our...
"What is love?" asked the novice of the master. Without hesitation the novice master replied, "Love is the absence of all fear, for love casts out...
The Feast of Pentecost always gives me a chance to reflect on and give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit in my life. As I journey through...
Each year since 2010, my early summer schedule has followed almost exactly the same pattern: graduation weekend, a week of administrative wrap-up,...
Throughout my years of seminary and early priesthood, I occasionally have worried about the priestly character or even religious value of my work...
For many Catholics, the periods of Lent and Holy Week contain life-changing events—sometimes in the most unusual packages. For me, that...
It has been a busy spring at Fisher Hall at the University of Notre Dame! Though Fisher is a relatively small residence hall, with 183 students, we...
On Divine Mercy Sunday, the Church celebrated the canonization of two new saints, Popes John XXIII and John Paul II. Towards the end of week,...