It has long been called "The Ash Wednesday Phenomenon." This title refers to the fact that, even though no one is "obligated" to come to church on...

A Season of Grace and Preparation
Steven Spielberg's 1982 motion picture classic "E.T.--The Extra Terrestrial" captured the hearts and minds of moviegoers around the world with...

A Heart that Burns with the Desire to Help You
In his first circular letter to the Brothers of Saint Joseph, whom the designs of Providence had entrusted to his care, Basil Moreau wrote, "Receive...

Embracing Family
One of the challenges of parish ministry can be being away from family during the holidays, especially Christmas. Given the nature of our ministry...

Our Lady of Holy Cross
After celebrating Mass by the tomb of Blessed Basil Moreau, most of the congregation stayed for the Holy Hour in the Church of Notre-Dame de...

Unassuming Protector and Guide
I was in the post office buying stamps for my Christmas Cards several weeks ago and I got the appropriately religious ones which featured a picture...

Nearing the End of one Journey
Thirteen semesters down, one to go. I entered formation as an eighteen year old freshman. At that point, I didn't even know what I didn't know. And...

NCYC and Advent’s “Already, but not Yet”
Last week, some of the seminarians and postulants traveled to the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. To say that thousands...

Our Priest
I was at our local Catholic High School the other day to give a presentation and I greeted one of our parishioners by name as he walked into class....