A parish is never an island unto itself. It is part of a diocese with its mission guided by the priorities set forth by the bishop. When I became...

A parish is never an island unto itself. It is part of a diocese with its mission guided by the priorities set forth by the bishop. When I became...
Every year, the Villa Maria Hall retreat begins with a game called, "What's in the Bag?" Before the retreat, each participant is told: "Bring a...
When I arrived in Peru a little over four years ago I was heartened to hear the familiar strains of Alma Misionera (Missionary Soul), a song I had...
Once, when I was leaving one assignment to go to another, one of my brothers in Holy Cross repeated a quote to me that he had been told: "Three...
At Trinity College, the largest college of the University of Cambridge, all students sign a matriculation book at the beginning of their studies....
There's a lot of talk these days about "brand awareness". What's your brand? How can we develop our brand? Can we project our brand more...
I am pictured here holding one of my five godsons. (Yes, five, and they are all boys. When his mother was pregnant, I joked with the couple that...
As we continue in the Christmas Season, we also begin a New Year. Here at André House, the New Year begins with exciting news. After years of...
Back at the beginning of November, on All Souls Day, the Congregation of Holy Cross celebrated and remembered those men who have walked before us as...