Fr. Peter J. Walsh, C.S.C., has given us his second offering in posts from Yale University, where he works in Catholic campus ministry. Today's...
Brother Jesus Alonso: A Complete Vocation
The National Catholic Reporter did a great article on Brother Jesus Alonso, C.S.C., a member of the South-West Province of Brothers, who is...
Sermon on the Street: Andre at Andre’s House
Fr. Eric Schimmel, C.S.C., continues his posting from André House in Phoenix. Given that the namesake of their ministry to the poor and...
Called to Walk in Their Footsteps: Father Joseph Lehane, C.S.C.
Fr. Jim Connelly, the Superior of Holy Cross House, the community's medical and retirement facility, continues his monthly series on some of the...
Celebrating a Saint: Holiness at Home in Humanity
In our continuing series of personal reflections on Brother André leading up to his canonization in Rome on October 17, today we here from...
Learning the Parish Ropes: A Little Bit of Tripe Goes a Long Way
Seminarian Brian Ching, C.S.C., sends his second installment in his series on his pastoral year at St. John Vianney Parish in Goodyear, AZ. Today's...
Called to Walk in Their Footsteps – Fr. Michael J. Murphy, C.S.C.
"The footsteps of those men who called us to walk in their company left deep prints, as of men carrying heavy burdens. But they did not trudge; they...
Celebrating a Saint: He is a distant relative
Here is the second in our series of personal reflections from Holy Cross religious on what Blessed Brother André, who will be canonized...
CSC Profile: Nothing Ordinary, Nothing Usual
Fr. H. Richard Rutherford, C.S.C., a Holy Cross priest and professor of theology at the University of Portland, was awarded a Fulbright Research...