With joy and thanksgiving the Congregation of Holy Cross,United States Province,announces theFirstProfession ofVowsof eight novices from the Holy...

With joy and thanksgiving the Congregation of Holy Cross,United States Province,announces theFirstProfession ofVowsof eight novices from the Holy...
Br. Thomas Giumenta, C.S.C. When he began high school, Br. Tom had no plans on entering religious life. Yet in his senior year, a feeling that he...
On Friday, September 4, these five men professed their Final Vows, and become permanent members of the Congregation of Holy Cross. On Saturday,...
The Congregation of Holy Cross celebrated the ordination of four new priests on September 5, 2020! Below please find some additional information on...
“O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!” (Is 2:5) As the daylight gradually decreases (for those of us in the northern...
As the son of a college football coach and a former student worker in the Notre Dame football recruiting office, I know what a...
If anyone was to meet me for the first time, they would probably learn two things very quickly. First, they would come to know that I love talking...
Rome Discernment Pilgrimage for Undergraduate Students March 11-19, 2023 For more information or to request a registration form, please contact us...
My favorite preface among those prayed at Mass is that of martyrs: “For the blood of your blessed Martyr N., poured out like Christ’s to glorify...