In our first reading, the Sanhedrin have had the apostles rounded up, whipped, and tossed out into the street. You would think the apostles would...

In our first reading, the Sanhedrin have had the apostles rounded up, whipped, and tossed out into the street. You would think the apostles would...
More than thirty-five years ago, as a newly minted seminarian, I was told to choose my first spiritual director. I chose Fr. Claude - a young Notre...
“He was only at his best when things were at theirs.” Years ago, when I first read those words, applied I think to some King of England...
When, at Mass on Palm Sunday, the Passion of our Lord is read in parts, the congregation often takes the role of the crowd, and calls out,...
If we were to give a title to our scripture reflection for this Fifth Sunday of Lent, it might be Jimmy Durante’s old catchphrase, “You...
Today our Gospel gives us the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The title that has traditionally been given to the story is misleading. True, the son...
Our First Reading for this 3rd Sunday of Lent is the account in Exodus, chapter three, of Moses’ encounter with the burning bush. I’m...
In our Gospel this week, Peter experiences an extraordinary revelation. Jesus is transfigured before him - appearing for a few moments in dazzling...
The devil must have been delighted to get Jesus out into that desert. Everything must have seemed to be going according to satanic plan. For the...