This coming Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday - so called because the Gospel in all three cycles speaks of Jesus as our Shepherd. In many places in...
3rd Sunday of Easter (May 8, 2011)
I'm always amazed at how the Spirit works when it comes to these letters or reflections. I was sitting at the computer, with the screen open to the...
Palm Sunday (April 17, 2011)
Several years ago, while reflecting on the Passion and Death of Jesus, I thought to mentally position myself behind the crucified Jesus so I was...
5th Sunday in Lent (April 10, 2011)
Slowly but surely Holy Week and Easter approach. The last couple of Sundays, plus this coming Sunday, we've been reading from the Gospel of John at...
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
I often wonder what happened to the people in the Gospel whom Jesus cured of heir various ailments. What happened to the leper who returned to give...