If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. The woman at the well thought she was hard-hearted. She was levelheaded and unsentimental....

If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. The woman at the well thought she was hard-hearted. She was levelheaded and unsentimental....
Too often, faith is understood as a set of propositions we are required to give our assent to -- a list of assertions we must accept as true....
Why did they do it? Why did our first parents let the serpent talk them into eating the forbidden fruit? When the old devil reminisces about his...
In our first reading, God has a message for the chosen people. The Lord says to Moses, “Tell the people to be holy.” Nothing...
“You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown...
We have grown so familiar with the idea of the Incarnation of Christ, that we no longer appreciate what an astonishing concept it is. In the...
In the family tree that immediately precedes today’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel, David and Bathsheba are listed among the ancestors...
At the end of this year, Fr. Mike DeLaney, C.S.C., will transition from his role as Director of the Holy Cross Mission Center and move to Montreal,...
I used to volunteer at a homeless shelter that had been run for many years by an Evangelical Protestant church. Every evening, the residents of the...