Let’s imagine an alien civilization has discovered that there is intelligent life on Earth. They send a scout to learn about us. We’ll...

Let’s imagine an alien civilization has discovered that there is intelligent life on Earth. They send a scout to learn about us. We’ll...
A man stands gazing into the window of a jewelry store in a crowded shopping mall. He’s occasionally jostled by the crowd of shoppers passing...
I love to read or watch the news, but the older I get, the less patience I have with the experts whose opinions are continually broadcast on every...
I’m afraid I’d never make the grade as a shepherd, because I’m sure that if I was out in the wilderness with a hundred sheep, and...
As we launch out into a new school year at the University of Portland, faculty, staff and students are busy making plans. Coaches are making game...
Great Britain has been called a “shame culture.” It’s not that the British have any more to be ashamed of than anyone else....
Tough Gospel today. Someone asks Jesus if it is true that only a few people will be saved, and Jesus answers, “Try to come in through the...
I’m a member of a religious order – The Congregation of Holy Cross. Founded in France, we have been in the United States for about 175...
In my academic work, I look for the theology contained in literature that isn’t specifically religious - mostly novels. Close and careful...