I’ll bet that many of you, like me, are fans of “The Antiques Roadshow.” For those of you who don’t know the program, people...
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C (Jun. 30, 2019)
Last night I spent some time with a friend whose life, of late, has been burdened by a great deal of suffering and grief. In speaking about how she...
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Cycle C (Jun. 20, 2019)
At Masses in England, a Hail Mary is prayed at the end of the Prayers of the Faithful, or “Bidding Prayers,” as they are called over...
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Cycle C (June 16, 2019)
What’s the most you would you be willing to do for a friend? Would you offer him a ride to the airport at 4:30 in the morning – without...
Pentecost Sunday, Cycle C (June 9, 2019)
I hated playing cards with my mother, and as far as I know, all of my brothers and sisters felt the same way. And it wasn’t just cards, to...
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Cycle C (Jun. 2, 2019)
When, as a young priest, I was a graduate student in the UK, I lived and worked in a big Catholic parish in downtown Cambridge. The parish was Our...
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle C (May 26, 2019)
When I was a teenager, I attended the public high school in a small town near Boston, Massachusetts. I was fortunate in that I enjoyed my high...
Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle C (May 19, 2019)
We value some things because they are new, like the latest bestseller, the smell of a new car, the look and feel of a crisp new banknote, the first...
Fourth Sunday of Easter, Cycle C (May 12, 2019)
I remember years ago when I was still a seminarian, being invited to Corby Hall at Notre Dame for dinner with the Holy Cross priests and brothers. I...