If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. The woman at the well thought she was hard-hearted. She was levelheaded and unsentimental....

If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. The woman at the well thought she was hard-hearted. She was levelheaded and unsentimental....
Too often, faith is understood as a set of propositions we are required to give our assent to -- a list of assertions we must accept as true....
Why did they do it? Why did our first parents let the serpent talk them into eating the forbidden fruit? When the old devil reminisces about his...
As we launch out into a new school year at the University of Portland, faculty, staff and students are busy making plans. Coaches are making game...
This coming Sunday is the celebration of All Souls. Usually it's a quiet weekday Mass, but since this year it falls on a Sunday, it's going to be...
Our spiritual lives are formed by a combination of what we experience through our interactions with persons of faith; what we learn from our Roman...
Readings for Pentecost Listen to Fr. Gordon's podcast of the reflection I'd like to draw your attention to the prayer over the Offerings from...
Readings for Pentecost Sunday One of the most striking things about the first Pentecost is how so many people heard the Apostles speaking in their...
Readings for June 1, 2014 I think it's safe to say that spring has sprung in South Bend. After trips to Atlanta and Lancaster Pa., it was...