This week's Readings As a homilist, I am SO GLAD we're done with the Easter Sundays and Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi. It gets to a point where...

This week's Readings As a homilist, I am SO GLAD we're done with the Easter Sundays and Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi. It gets to a point where...
This week's Readings What is the difference between Corpus Christi (Sunday's celebration) and Holy Thursday? The latter takes place during the...
We understand a bit of the emotion called motherly love, this love of a mother for the children she has brought to life. Motherly love leads her to...
This week's Readings Sunday's first reading tells of a dispute between the Church in Antioch and the Church in Jerusalem. The latter, mostly...
This week's Readings By now, you're probably aware that one of the most consistent themes in the preaching of Pope Francis is his stress on the...
This week's Readings This Second Sunday after Easter brings us face-to-face with our old friends: the frightened apostles and Thomas. They still...
This week's Readings If there is one line that perfectly captures all three of Sunday's (Cycle C) readings, it's this: God has a very bad memory! In...
This week's Readings I can just imagine the scene in the Gospel (Cycle C). Jesus is eating with the tax collectors and sinners; He and his disciples...
This week's Readings Well, maybe the third time will be the charm. For some reason, Word shut itself down, and I lost what I had written. The second...