This week's Readings I've lost count of how many weddings I've witnessed where this weekend's Second Reading was chosen as part of the Liturgy of...
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sept. 9, 2012)
Sunday's Gospel has always been special for me. It's the story of Jesus healing the deaf man, and since I have been deaf since age 7, I know what...
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sept. 2, 2012)
There's an undercurrent that runs through all three of Sunday's Scripture readings. Basically it's that words matter, but even more important is...
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 1, 2012)
Jesus' words to the synagogue official resonate throughout Sunday's Mass readings: "Do not be afraid ... just have faith." In this day and age,...
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (June 3, 2012)
Sunday's Solemnity of the Holy Trinity has an interesting history. As Fr. John Hardon points out in his Modern Catholic Dictionary, the origins of...
5th Sunday of Easter (May 6, 2012)
I was really drawn to one sentence in this weekend's Gospel: I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much...
Easter Sunday (April 8, 2012)
Why do I want so badly to be able to sing well at Easter? I believe that Easter is the feast that truly speaks to us, to the depths of our being. It...
Palm Sunday (April 1, 2012)
Palm Sunday falls on April 1st this year ... April Fools' Day. How appropriate!!! Only a fool would do what Jesus did. Why participate in a parade...
5th Sunday of Lent (March 25, 2012)
As much as I like the Cycle A Gospels (woman at the well, man born blind, raising of Lazarus) the Cycle B readings have a beauty all their own. In...