Sunday's Second Reading from Paul's letter to the Ephesians (using the B Cycle of readings) deserves to be read slowly and meditatively ... it is an...

Sunday's Second Reading from Paul's letter to the Ephesians (using the B Cycle of readings) deserves to be read slowly and meditatively ... it is an...
Sunday's Gospel is John's version of Jesus driving out the merchants from the Temple. It didn't take much reflection till I found myself thinking of...
"This is my beloved Son; listen to Him." How does one listen to Jesus? It seems like such a conundrum, particularly since Jesus rarely speaks to us...
What is it about 40 days that so enamors the writers of Scripture? Jesus spends 40 days in the wilderness. In the days of the Flood, Noah and his...
In Jesus' time, the people felt there was a very close linkage between a person's illness and his/her sin, hence the decision of Jesus to heal the...
In Sunday's Gospel, a leper comes directly up to Jesus and says: "If you wish, you can make me clean." Jesus' response is stunning in its...
As I sit in this chair working on this reflection, I look out the window and see snow falling. Sometimes it's light, at other times the visibility...
The early Church had a real problem with two people: John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene. I can't get into Mary Magdalene, but if you want a really...
Sunday's parable of the vineyard tenants is the third vineyard parable on a row. Two Sundays ago we heard the parable of the laborers in the...