Sunday's Gospel about correcting one's brother or sister is a tough one. We live in a time when "Mind your own business" seems to be the operating...

Sunday's Gospel about correcting one's brother or sister is a tough one. We live in a time when "Mind your own business" seems to be the operating...
Pondering Sunday's readings, I kept coming back to the first phrase of the refrain from the Responsorial Psalm: "Lord. let us see your kindness...."...
If there is one theme common to this Sunday's Scripture readings, it's this: "We have more resources than we think we do." Ah the human mind....I...
Mercy and Power. Those seemingly opposite words are at the heart of Sunday's readings. God is so extraordinarily powerful that he can be...
I was really caught by one sentence in Sunday's Second Reading from First Peter: "Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for...
I just returned from a week at home with the folks, and thanks be to God, they are doing as well as can be expected for a pair of 86-year-olders....
This coming Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday - so called because the Gospel in all three cycles speaks of Jesus as our Shepherd. In many places in...
I'm always amazed at how the Spirit works when it comes to these letters or reflections. I was sitting at the computer, with the screen open to the...
Several years ago, while reflecting on the Passion and Death of Jesus, I thought to mentally position myself behind the crucified Jesus so I was...