Fr. Raymond Presents Gabriel Award to Actor Gary Sinise

Father Willy Raymond and actor Gary Sinise

Rev. Willy Raymond, C.S.C., National Director of Family Theater Productions, recently presented Gary Sinise with the 2012 Gabriel Award for Personal Achievement.

Family Theater is part of Holy Cross Family Ministries, a mission of the United States Province.

Sinise, who plays detective Mac Taylor on “CSI:NY,” was given the award not only for his work in film and television, but more importantly for his work serving veterans and children. Sinise was unable to attend the Gabriel Presentation during the Catholic Media Convention, so Fr. Willy personally presented it to the actor, who co-founded Operation Iraqi Children and serves as the national spokesperson for the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial. Sinise also was given the Presidential Citizen Medal for his humanitarian work.

Read more about Sinise and the Gabriel Awards on the U.S. Province website and about Sinise accepting the award recently on the Family Theater website.

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