New Holy Cross Priests Preside Over First Masses

Father Brian Ching first Mass

Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7, 2013, provided the chance for the three newest Holy Cross priests to preside over their first Masses.

Rev. Brian Ching, C.S.C., presided over his first Mass at St. Joseph Parish, South Bend, Ind., where he served as a Deacon. You can read Fr. Brian’s homily on the Office of Vocations blog.

Rev. Jarrod Waugh, C.S.C., presided over his first Mass at Christ the King Parish, South Bend, where he served as a Deacon. You can read Fr. Jarrod’s homily also on the Vocations blog.

The three priests were ordained on April 6, 2013, by Most Rev. Daniel Jenky, C.S.C., Bishop of Peoria, Ill., at the Basilica. You can also watch the video of the Ordination Mass and view the picture gallery.


Published April 2013

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