Stay current with everything happening in the U.S. Province.

The Power of Confession
One of the coolest things about being a priest is hearing confessions and absolving sins. In seminary, for me it was the most daunting prospect of...

Servant of God Theotonius Ganguly’s Identity in Christ
How can we succinctly summarize who someone is? What is at the very heart of someone’s God-given identity? In thinking about Servant of God...

Evangelized by the Poor: Known by Name
I (finally) watched Hamilton this past week for the first time. I must say that it lived up to the hype that I’d heard around it for years. In the...

Community Engagement Updates January 2024
Twinning Updates Learn how to start Twinning with this helpful resource. In the fall, Holy Cross Mission Center Director Fr. Tom Eckert, C.S.C.,...

Congregation Holding Global Rosary for Peace
Click here to join the Global Rosary for Peace livestream. At the invitation of Pope Francis, Superior General of the Congregation of Holy Cross,...

Lent 2024: The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert
By Rev. Ronald Raab, C.S.C. On the first Sunday of Lent, we proclaim Mark 1:12-15 at Mass. After Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit led him into the...

$10,000 Bricklayers Matching Grant for Twinning Partners
Bishop Vincent McCauley, C.S.C. (1906-1982), was passionate about building up the Church. Before establishing Holy Cross's Mission to East Africa in...

Common Table at the Holy Cross Novitiate
In Holy Cross we talk often about the importance of our common prayer, common purse, and common table. These are essential dimensions of our common...

Ministry Spotlight: St. Marianne Cope Project
Within the Bangladeshi tribal communities, women often have very limited access to the same opportunities afforded to men. Women who are orphaned or...

Parish Life During the Eucharistic Revival
Parishes in the United States are now engaged in the second year of the National Eucharistic Revival. Here at Holy Cross Parish, we are fervently...

Pope Francis Names Bishop Jorge Izaguirre, C.S.C., as Bishop of the Diocese of Chosica
On Wednesday, December 27, the Holy See announced that Pope Francis had named the Most Rev. Jorge Enrique Izaguirre Rafael, C.S.C., currently the...

“Fewer Architects, More Bricklayers”: 2024 Mission Appeals
The Holy Cross Mission Center (HCMC) Founding Director, Rev. Michael Mathis, C.S.C. (1923-33), was a diligent fundraiser for the Mission in...

Evangelized by the Poor: A South Asian Suscipe
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To...

Saint André Bessette: A Life of Prayer and Hospitality
By Rev. Ronald Raab, C.S.C. Brother André Bessette was born on August 9, 1845, and died on January 6, 1937. He was canonized a saint on October 17,...

Family Resemblance
This past November, I had the privilege of welcoming groups from two of our regional Holy Cross high schools to King’s College. Students and...