Stay current with everything happening in the U.S. Province.

Holy Cross to Celebrate 50 Years in Peru
Sept. 10 marks the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Congregation of Holy Cross toPeru. The celebrations have already begun in Lima, the...

Month of St. Andre being celebrated at St. Joseph’s Oratory, Canada
Aug. 9 is the birthday of Holy Cross' first saint, Br. Andre Bessette, C.S.C. St. Andre was a humble man who had a special devotion to St. Joseph....

New Rosary Series DVD Available for Pre-Order
Family Rosary - Philippines and Family Theater Productions have teamed up to produce "Carrying On," the newest in the inspiring DVD series "Manifest...

Fr. Dunne Receives Two Awards
Rev. John S. Dunne, C.S.C., the John A. O'Brien professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, received two awards recently for his work. He...

Pope Francis Announces Popes to be Named Saints
Pope Francis announced Friday, July 5, 2013 that he has approved the cause for canonization of two of his venerable and much loved predecessors...

International Session on Holy Cross Concludes
Earlier this week, on July 1, forty Holy Cross sisters, brothers, and priests wrapped up their pilgrimage in France. Over two weeks, they visited...

Saint Georges College Opens Basil Moreau Building
Holy Cross' Saint Georges College (Santiago, Chile) in the U.S. Province's District of Chile, inaugurated a new building name for the founder of the...

Fundraiser for Lake View School Raises $80,000
A new boys' dormitory at Holy Cross Lake View Senior Secondary School in Jinja, Uganda, will be completed yet this year. Rev. Patrick Neary, C.S.C.,...

Fr. Denning Begins Tenure as President of Stonehill College
Rev. John Denning, C.S.C., began his first day on the job as President of Stonehill College, Easton, Mass., today. His inauguration ceremony is...

UP to Highlight History of Catholic Education in America
University of Portland will host a conference, "The Impact of Catholic Education in America: Past, Present, and Future," June 20-22, on campus. The...

Stonehill Expands its Commitment to Environmental Stewardship
Stonehill College is expanding its commitment to environmental stewardship. Later this year, the College will start developing a solar farm on the...

HCFM Featured on CatholicTV
Holy Cross Family Ministries was recently featured on CatholicTV. Rev. John Phalen, President of HCFM, appeared on the May 31 edition of "This is...

HCFM Offers Thanksgiving Mass for Life of Fr. Peyton
Offices of Holy Cross Family Ministries around the world offered an anniversary Mass of thanksgiving for the life of its founder, Servant of God...

HCFM Leads Global Rosary Relay for Priests
On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Holy Cross Family Ministries has organized participation of Family Rosary and Holy Cross' international...

Stonehill College Launches Redesigned Website
Stonehill College's recently redesigned website is live. The site reflects two years of hard work and collaboration not only among the College's...