Stay current with everything happening in the U.S. Province.

Sacred Heart Province Renovates Scholasticate Building
Built in 1995, the Holy Cross Scholasticate Building in Rampura-Dhaka, Bangladesh, has served as a formation house for Sacred Heart Province of...

The Five Pillars of Formation: The Moreau Seminary Renovation
As someone who has walked the halls of the old Moreau Seminary and eagerly anticipates the transition to the new facility, I am thrilled to share...

Using Improv to Introduce Spirituality: Campus Ministry at King’s College
Of the many components of training for our Resident Assistants at King’s College, perhaps the most formative and impactful session was brought to...

Saint Francis of Assisi: A Kiss for All Creation
The Church celebrates Saint Francis of Assisi on October 4. During his life, Saint Francis experienced a profound conversion, from wealthy man to...

Rev. Robert J. Austgen, C.S.C. | September 19, 1932 – August 16, 2024
NOTRE DAME, Ind. – Rev. Robert Joseph Austgen, C.S.C., 91, died at Holy Cross House, Notre Dame, Ind. on August 16, 2024, after a short illness. Fr....

The Congregation of Holy Cross Establishes a New Mission in Papua New Guinea
Rome, Italy - The Congregation of Holy Cross is thrilled to announce the establishment of a new mission in the Diocese of Bougainville in Papua New...

Remaining in Christ: A Reflection on the Many Faces of Jesus
“Abide in me as I abide in you, says the Lord. Whoever abides in me and I in them will bear much fruit.” Jn 15: 4a & 5b Sulpician priest,...

A Personal Journey with Holy Cross: From Formation to Faithful Reflection
I entered Holy Cross formation, for what was called the candidate year, when I was 29. I stepped foot inside Moreau Seminary for the first time on...

Our Academic Apostolate: Scholarship, Teaching, Service
I write this post as six other Holy Cross priests and I conclude our second annual “Writing Camp.” Two of us are junior faculty at Holy Cross...

Logo Revealed for the New Holy Family Mission in Papua New Guinea
In the coming months, eight Holy Cross priests and brothers, including Br. James Walters, C.S.C., of the U.S. Province, will depart for Papua New...

Fundamor Converts Storage Building into Volunteer Housing
Fundamor, which comes from the combining of the words “Fundación” and “Moreau” is a ministry of the District of Chile-Peru that grew out of the...

St. Felista Parish Receives New Pews
Located in Utegi-Musoma, Tanzania, St. Felista Parish was formally established in 2014 and has grown into a thriving community of over 2,500...

September 14, 2024: The Crosses We Leave Behind
The Universal Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross every year on September 14. Fr. Basil Moreau, the founder of the...

SJHSS Installs Water Treatment & Purification System
St. Joseph’s Hill Secondary School (SJHSS) educates 545 students in the rural area of Kyarusozi, Uganda. Being situated in rural Uganda, access to a...

Ministry in the Ebb of Summer
“Some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.” Matthew 13:8 In the ebb and flow of life as a campus minister,...