SJHSS Installs Water Treatment & Purification System

St. Joseph’s Hill Secondary School (SJHSS) educates 545 students in the rural area of Kyarusozi, Uganda. Being situated in rural Uganda, access to a stable supply of clean drinking water for the students and staff has been challenging, resulting in the time consuming process of having to boil water for drinking which subsequently utilizes a lot of firewood.
Over the past several months, SJHSS has made significant improvements to its water supply system. It has added fourteen rainwater harvesting tanks to buildings throughout campus and most recently added a water treatment and purification system which provides safe drinking water that is accessible in the dining hall and dormitories. To implement this new system, contractors had to run a half mile worth of piping to draw water to campus from the nearest wetland source. The water is then run through the treatment and purification system and stored in a collection tank for the students to access.
On behalf of the staff and students of St. Joseph’s Hill, thank you for your generous support in bringing a stable supply of safe, clean drinking water to campus!
Published: August 8, 2024

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