St. Felista Parish Completes Church Building

Located in Utegi-Musoma, Tanzania, St. Felista Parish constructed their main church structure in 2014 but it has remained unfinished for many years. The local Christian community (parishioners) has been working to complete the church building with the assistance from local contributions but has been met with little success.

The Congregation of Holy Cross arrived at the parish in 2017, and in the years that followed, the support received through the Holy Cross Mission Center has helped the Christian community realize its dream of having a completed church building. With funds most recently disbursed for exterior painting and a walkway surrounding the building, the parish church building is now officially complete. See before and after pictures below.

The painting of the parish church was carried out by a local contractor and parishioner who volunteers regularly with the parish youth group. This existing partnership created a natural opportunity for a number of youth in the parish to assist with the project and acquire on-the-job skills training.

Through the generosity of benefactors, the St. Felista Parish community now has a beautiful place of worship which stands as a beacon of hope for the local community.

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​Published: February 2, 2024


  • Founded in 1923, the Holy Cross Mission Center provides strategic support for the international missions of the Congregation of Holy Cross in parish ministry, education, healthcare, and outreach services to communities in need. Our work is anchored by our faith in Christ, inspired by the apostolic missionary vision of Blessed Basil Moreau, and responsive to the Congregation’s priorities on the global peripheries. We align the generosity of our benefactors and institutional partners with the priorities of Holy Cross leadership to carry forth the international ministries of the Congregation of Holy Cross in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

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