Stories of Holy Cross: Fr. Valentine Czyzewski, C.S.C.
E Pluribus Unum — "One out of many" — is an epithet the United States sometimes uses to describe itself as a nation made up of many different ethnic...
E Pluribus Unum — "One out of many" — is an epithet the United States sometimes uses to describe itself as a nation made up of many different ethnic...
Published: January 20, 2013 Author: Rev. James King, C.S.C. Pictured: Shrine of Blessed Basil Moreau, Le Mans, France. In a guide for teachers...
In his first circular letter to the Brothers of Saint Joseph, whom the designs of Providence had entrusted to his care, Blessed Basil Moreau wrote,...
Discern your vocation and discover the life God is calling you to live.