With Faithful Ears: My Sheep Hear My Voice

On the Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 11, 2025, the Church proclaims John 10:27-30. Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, heralds hope for the lost, the discouraged, and for people who ache to find consolation. In this Easter Season, we cherish our communion with Christ in our gentle listening, opening our lives to the sound of his voice. Christ’s fidelity in Easter settles into our ears and hearts if we take the time to listen. We listen with faith and courage. We imitate the Christ by listening to the needs of all people. Our ears become a source of hope in our vocation within the Church. With faithful ears and loving hearts, we pray to the Lord.

For our shepherd leaders in the Church. May their prayerful silence become a home for Christ’s voice. May our earthly authorities lead with tenderness and compassion. May their voices reach the wounded, the joyless, and those who have been told they do not belong. May Christ’s voice summon our leaders into authenticity and genuine community. We pray to the Lord.

For all who hear the voice of the Shepherd in the Congregation of Holy Cross. May our elders rejoice in Christ’s beckoning to the Father’s love. May our newly ordained not resist the love Christ has for them along their path of discovery and resilience. May our men in formation for brotherhood or priesthood cultivate faithful ears to hear the voice of Christ Jesus. May love be their guide and consolation be on their lips for all who are lonely, poor, and restless. May the voice of Christ be made known, loved, and served forever. We pray to the Lord.

For spiritual directors, preachers, confessors, therapists, and counselors. May those who listen to the journey and pain of others find hope and consolation along the way. May healing happen as stories are told by people constrained by doubt, soulful disturbances, and life burdens. May the gospel of hope be proclaimed and shared among communities of faith, in confessionals, and in offices where the stories of souls are told. May we all listen with great intention and with pure joy, desiring the best for all whom we encounter. We pray to the Lord.

For mothers who shepherd the young. For birth mothers, foster mothers, godmothers, grandmothers, and all who care for children. May those who rush to a sick child in the nighttime find consolation from the Good Shepherd. May the caretakers of youth who pay bills, make school lunches, and shop for growing children find love amid everyday chaos and relationships. May hope be born in May as we celebrate moms, caregivers, and all who nurture and support the growth and faith of our youth. Let us turn toward Mary, the Mother of God, for hope, inspiration, and protection. We pray to the Lord.

For all who face crossroads and anxiety about their vocation.  May we all tend to the voice of Christ who desires to speak to us daily. May prayer become our desire, and may we become attentive to the Shepherd who desires us. May we speak the truth in our life. May love become our guide. May faith and integrity be lived within us. May we live our vocation with purpose and intention. May Christ lead us through all obstacles to settle into the beauty of life and hope of our souls. We pray to the Lord.

For people lost in the false safety of addiction, inner violence, and shame. May Christ beckon the adrift and seek those who hide from belonging because of inner trauma. May Christ’s voice be heard in sobriety, kindness, and gratitude. May the fearful-hearted find the joy of Christ’s care and forgiveness. We pray to the Lord.

For people who strain to hear appreciation from others and who remain silent in fragile relationships. May we all hear the strong voice of concern from the Good Shepherd. May his ears focus on our stories of insecurity and restlessness. May we all find the freedom of human voices that speak of reconciliation and healing. May our lives ease into newness and mercy in this Easter season. We pray to the Lord.

For faithful believers who struggle to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd.  Let there be no human impairment to the joy of Christ’s eternal presence that guides us and shows us the way to eternal life. May Christ reside in the heart where the full volume of love is heard, and our lives sustained. May the heart bear witness to Christ’s whisper of love. May the heart hear all it needs to witness healing, hope, and justice in our world. May every heart overflow with the consoling presence of Jesus Christ who finds the lost, the forgotten, and the weary. We pray to the Lord.

For men and women who shepherd others and care for their needs. May our healthcare professionals tend to the ill and the dying with Christ’s loving compassion. May our first responders, police, ambulance drivers, and medics, tend to the emergency needs of people most immediately in need with the same zeal and focus as the shepherding of Christ Jesus. May we be resilient in our efforts to support those who rush into burning buildings, who care for the injured on our streets, and those who protect our neighbors at nighttime. May these shepherds find deep meaning from faith and from the love shared with others. We pray to the Lord.

For all artists, authors, and poets as they shepherd creativity and soulful healing in our world.  May those who tell stories of hope on canvas or paper discover inspiration from the heart of the Good Shepherd. May words lead to truth-telling. May sculpture and painting generate joy in the hearts of all who ponder new possibilities. May every human soul know its worth in the sight of the Shepherd we all call Good. We pray to the Lord.

 For people who wait on their deathbed for the voice of the Good Shepherd. May we all fully experience the love God has for us. May we listen attentively to the promises of Christ and know within our hearts that we will never perish in him. May our burdens be eased and our shame be released. May guilt fade in the morning light. May our exhaustion be eased in the consoling voice of Christ Jesus. May our beloved dead rest fully in awaited green pastures. We pray to the Lord.


Rev. Ronald Patrick Raab, C.S.C., serves as religious superior of Holy Cross House, our retirement and medical facility at Notre Dame, Indiana. He is an award-winning author, blogger, and visual artist. Learn more at ronaldraab.com

Fr. Ron created this finger painting a few months ago. Fr. Ron’s artwork has been published in parishes, dioceses, and ecumenical settings around the world.


Published March 2025

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