We are Men with
Hope to Bring
Called to make God known, loved, and served
by bringing the hope of the Gospel to all the world.
Advancing the mission of Holy Cross.
The Congregation of Holy Cross is a community of Catholic priests and brothers—home to generations of Holy Cross men with hope to bring to the world. We commit to a lifetime of service as we seek to advance the truth of Jesus Christ and His Church.
Together, we can continue the good work God has started in all of us.
We are Educators in the Faith.
We are a global community of pontifical right: priests and brothers who wish to abandon all to follow Christ. United by our motto — Ave Crux, Spes Unica (Hail the Cross, our Only Hope) — we are sent forth to make God known, loved, and served in ministries of education, parish, and mission throughout the world.
Formation of Holy Cross Religious
Your investment will ensure that members of the Congregation of Holy Cross receive the best education and formation experience possible in order to make sure that God is known, loved, and served in our academic, parish, and mission communities around the world.
Your investment will build the Kingdom of God among the impoverished and neglected through international pastoral ministry, education, and countless other assistance programs designed to strengthen communities, all the while bringing hearts and minds to a deeper awareness and devotion to God.

Care of Retired, Elder, Infirmed Religious
Your investment will ensure aging generations of Holy Cross men — who have already given a lifetime of service to the Congregation — receive quality rehabilitative and medical care as they grow older.
Bringing hope to the world has a cost.
As Holy Cross religious, we are able and, indeed, happy to spend our lives in service to those in need. We are eternally grateful for our partners that support our work.
Their investment funds priorities that are not directly supported by endowments and general operating expenses of the Congregation of Holy Cross, U.S. Province.

“We must be men with hope to bring. There is no failure the Lord’s love cannot reverse, no humiliation He cannot exchange for blessing, no anger He cannot dissolve, no routine He cannot transfigure. All is swallowed up in victory. He has nothing but gifts to offer. It remains only for us to find how even the cross can be borne as a gift.”
Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross, 8:118