Lenten Almsgiving for Holy Cross Missions
Bring hope this Lent by supporting the Holy Cross Mission!
As we prepare our hearts for Easter, we invite you to support the Mission of the Congregation of Holy Cross through your Lenten almsgiving efforts.
The Holy Cross Mission Center has supported ministries across the globe for 100 years, during which time the Congregation of Holy Cross has established primary and secondary schools, technical schools, women’s empowerment programs, seminaries and houses of formation, hospitals and pharmacies, family formation ministries, food pantries, and countless parishes.
Wherever Holy Cross priests and brothers go, they go as educators in the faith, sharing the Gospel with their words and witnesses. With your help, the Holy Cross Mission Center will continue to impact the lives of hundreds of thousands each year.
Your generosity makes a difference.
St. Felista is one of four parishes for whom the Congregation of Holy Cross has assumed pastoral responsibility since discerning to expand its East African presence into Tanzania 25 years ago. Here, the Congregation’s ultimate goal is to instill a sense of hope to the faithful through prayer and work, and it has fostered an intimate community built on support and empowerment. St. Felista’s ministry places a special emphasis on vulnerable groups, such as children, women, the elderly, and abandoned widows; and it runs numerous empowerment programs which teach skills and foster community through tailoring and knitting, batik making, laundry bar soap making, and farming. Just $14 allows women to sew an entire outfit.
For over 50 years, St. Joseph’s School of Industrial Trades has been providing a quality technical education to at-risk young men in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In its service to students who have dropped out of or are financially unable to attend traditional schools, St. Joseph’s provides three years of room and board while training men to become electricians, welders, plumbers and carpenters so that they can earn their own livelihood. The school not only focuses on vocational education but also forms its students to be competent and upstanding citizens. Each year students have the opportunity to go on an Advent or Lenten retreat. Only $6 funds the cost for a retreatant.
Celebrating its 50th anniversary next year, Colegio Fe y Alegría 25 (Hope and Joy 25) is a Peruvian public school administered and sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross. The school has over 2,000 students and offers five areas of education: kindergarten, primary, secondary, special needs, and technical training for adults. Every year, students in the school’s vibrant campus ministry program fundraise, then build, renovate or restore 2-4 homes for families in need through their “Roof For My Neighbor” project. Your Lenten contribution will be put towards the $2700 equivalent to the cost of a house for the “Roof for My Neighbor” projects.
More than 20 Holy Cross parishes, schools, residence halls, clubs, and teams in the U.S. are enrolled in the Holy Cross Mission Center’s Twinning Program. If you are already a participant in one of those registered Twinning relationships, you are invited to direct your almsgiving funds to your Twinning partner outside the United States.