Holy Cross Mission Center Blog
Spes Unica
Highlighting impactful stories and updates from our international missions.

Community Engagement Updates November 2023
Community Engagement Updates, November 2023: Assistant Director for Community Engagement Michael Jezewak recently visited the University of...

Love of God and of Neighbor: The Witness of Servant of God Theotonius Ganguly
For this World Mission Month during the 100th anniversary of our office, it’s worth highlighting the Congregation of Holy Cross’s success at our...

The Holy Cross Mission Center Celebrates 100 Years
An abundance of blessings and gratitude. That is the best way that I can describe the Holy Cross Mission Center Centennial Celebration held on...

Bangladeshi Tribal Schools Receive New Computers
The Congregation of Holy Cross first came to serve in East Bengal (now Bangladesh) in 1853. Since then, the Holy Cross priests and brothers have...

St. Joseph School of Industrial Trade Receives New Machines
Established in 1954, St. Joseph's School of Industrial Trades located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, provides free training in carpentry, machinery, welding...

Holy Cross Mission Center Encourages Twinning Program
Twinning is a response to Pope Francis’s call to create a “culture of encounter.” With Holy Cross priests and brothers ministering to communities...

Remnants of the Fourth Vow
As members of a religious congregation, Holy Cross priests and brothers have always professed the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, but did...

Emergency Appeal: Bangladesh Devastated by Floods
Dear Friends: Flooding in Bangladesh in recent weeks has killed over 55 Bangladeshis and affected more than a million others, including three Holy...

Servants and Neighbors in Jinja, Uganda
Along with my site partners Anna, Justice, and Avery, I have been so grateful to have such a wonderful start to my time with the Holy Cross brothers...

Sifting Through History: Preparing for the Unknown
While sifting through official letters and various records concerning the formation of the Bengal Foreign Mission Society in the Province Archives...

First Impressions of Lake View Senior Secondary School
After two full days of plane flights followed by another day’s drive on bustling Ugandan roads, my arrival in Jinja was met with both relief and...

“Why not me too?” | An Interview with Rev. Jean-Vital Blaise, C.S.C.
The Holy Cross Mission Center was grateful to welcome Rev. Jean-Vital Blaise, C.S.C., to South Bend in July. A native of Haiti and a member of the...