Enlivening our Distinctive Holy Cross Charism
The general purpose of the Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism is to deepen the sense of and commitment to the Holy Cross mission and charism throughout the U.S. Province apostolates, including parishes, colleges and universities, and our other ministries. The office serves both members of the U.S. Province as well as our lay collaborators.
The main goal is to enliven the distinctive charism of Holy Cross throughout our apostolates through collaborative efforts within and among our various parishes, colleges, universities, and other ministries, while simultaneously reading the signs of the times and responding ever anew to the needs of God’s people. This is done primarily through activities related to relationship building, bridge building, programmatic development, and content creation of resources to aid apostolates in mission formation and integration.
The office is led by the Provincial Assistant and Director of Apostolic Mission and Charism, who is a member of the Province Leadership team and works closely with the Provincial Superior in carrying out the responsibilities related to the office.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism is to deepen the sense of and commitment to the Holy Cross mission and charism throughout the U.S. Province apostolates, including parishes, colleges and universities, and our other ministries …
- through the design and delivery of quality mission-focused educational programming and resources to aid in mission formation and integration,
- providing opportunities for networking and relationship building between and among lay and religious collaborators,
- and enlivening the distinctive charism of Holy Cross through collaborative efforts.

Primary Areas of Focus and Support

Parish Ministry
Blessed Basil Moreau’s founding vision and timeless legacy include parish ministry as a necessary tool of evangelization and a way to magnify the power of the Gospel around the world. The Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism provides support to our 15 Province-sponsored parishes and 8 elementary/grade schools. The following is a list of primary programs and services offered by the Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism to support Parish Ministry:
- Annual Pastors’ Workshop
- Holy Cross Parishes Discipleship Summit: An Innovation Incubator
- Eucharistic Congress
- Parish Planning Commission
- Criteria for Parish Assessment Tool
- Holy Cross Identity Survey Tool
- Annual Pastors+Principals Retreat
- Catholic Schools Week: Holy Cross Heritage Day
- Holy Cross Christmas Card Competition
- Virtual Field Trips
- “The Thin Veil” Initiative for Campus and Youth Ministers at Holy Cross sponsored schools and parishes, in partnership with the McGrath Institute
- On-going collaboration with the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) and the McGrath Institute at the University of Notre Dame
- Annual Site Visits to schools and parishes by the Provincial Assistant and Director of Apostolic Mission and Charism

Higher Education
The U.S. Province sponsors and animates four distinctive and important institutions; University of Notre Dame, University of Portland, Stonehill College, and King’s College. Their mission effectiveness as Catholic institutions in the challenging higher education sector calls us to articulate and employ a shared narrative of Holy Cross distinctiveness and the revision of community structures and procedures related to this apostolate to assure vibrant evangelization that accounts for the size of our membership, the importance of our common life, the reality of diminished religious practice among the young, and the experience of those on the peripheries. The following is a list of primary programs and services offered by the Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism to support Higher Education Ministry:
- Presidents’ Council
- Annual Holy Cross Higher Ed Presidents’ Forum Weekend
- Higher Education Commission
- Moreau Mission Collaborative
- Academic Deans Gathering
- Annual Holy Cross Higher Education Reception and Dinner in Washington, D.C.
- Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU) – Affiliate Membership
- Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) – Affiliate Membership
- Catholic Higher Education Mission Officer Network (CHEMON) – Board membership
- Charism Cabinet – Board Membership
- U.S. Province Sponsorship of Holy Cross Institute Convocation
- Cross and Anchors Classic
- Men in Higher Studies Mentorship Program
- Annual Site Visits by the Provincial Assistant and Director of Apostolic Mission and Charism

Other Apostolates and Associated Ministries
Members of the U.S. Province have historically been involved in ministries that augment and support our primary apostolates. Today, each of the Province’s special ministries serves the Church in a uniquely Holy Cross way. The ministries of preaching, teaching, and evangelization are carried out through the publishing house of Ave Maria Press (Notre Dame, IN), media work and family faith formation of Holy Cross Family Ministries-HCFM (North Easton, MA), service to the poor at André House of Hospitality (Phoenix, Arizona), and spiritual development at the Holy Cross Retreat House (North Easton, MA). In addition, the U.S. Province has several internal ministries that support the external ministries, such as the Office of Human Resources, Formation Office, Vocations Office, Health Care (Holy Cross House, Fatima House, Casa Santa Cruz, Christopher Lodge), and Holy Cross Mission Center. The following is a list of primary programs and services offered by the Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism to support our other apostolates and associated internal and external ministries:
- Andre House of Hospitality – board membership
- Holy Cross Heritage Month
- Visibility at Province-sponsored workshops/institutes/retreats for Ave Maria Press and Holy Cross Family Ministries, Vocations Office, Holy Cross Mission Center, among others.
- Annual Site Visits by the Provincial Assistant and Director of Apostolic Mission and Charism to Ave Maria Press, Holy Cross Family Ministries, Andre House of Hospitality, and the Holy Cross Retreat House
- Collaborative programming with the Office of Human Resources supporting province employees
- Partnership with the Holy Cross Institute at St. Edward’s University (Austin, TX)
- Partnership with the Midwest Holy Cross Associates program (Notre Dame, IN)
- Communications Summits for Higher Ed, Parish/K8, External Apostolates, Internal Apostolates
- Holy Cross Pilgrimage Program: In the Footsteps of Blessed Basil Moreau (France)
- Voix de Sainte-Croix (Voices of Holy Cross) Podcast Series
- Participation on Province Committees and Task Force Groups: Moreau 150 Task Force, Laudato Si Committee, Province Unification Task Force