John Cahill, C.S.C.

Temporarily Professed Seminarian



Hometown: Charleston, South Carolina

Year in Formation: Temporarily Professed – 2nd Year in Vows

College: University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN), 2018

College Degree: BA, Program of Liberal Studies

Graduate School: University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN), 2027

Graduate Degree: M.Div.

Previous Jobs: Corporate beer sales (2018-2021)

Patron Saint: St. Martin of Tours

Favorite Movie: The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

Favorite Books: Crime and Punishmentby Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene, Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

Favorite Music: J.S. Bach, Rufus du Sol, Mandolin Orange

Hobbies: Cycling (road), Baroque music

Most Memorable Prayer/Liturgy you have Attended: Solemn Mass for the Feast of All Souls, St. James Cathedral, Seattle, 2019

Place of Pilgrimage You Most Want to Visit and why: St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal. This site is a powerful example of the love and healing God gives the world through the charism and ministry of Holy Cross.

Favorite Way to Pray: Eucharistic Adoration

Favorite Devotion: the Rosary

What drew you to Holy Cross? The priests and brothers I met during my undergraduate years at Notre Dame drew me to Holy Cross. Each man loved joyfully in such a way that I wanted what they seemed to have. As I learned more about the Congregation, the charism of education and the mission-centered history of Holy Cross drew me even more.

Your Vocation Story: I felt God’s call towards the end of my undergraduate education but told myself that, by accepting a corporate sales job across the country, this call would fizzle out. It didn’t — God is persistent. After three years of work, I had my discernment visit to Moreau Seminary, and this call to vowed religious life was (and still is) confirmed many times over!

Favorite Verse: “Abide in my love” (John 15:9)

Favorite Quote: “Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to His love, and the future to His providence.” – St. Augustine

How can visitors to this pagepray for you? Often!