Liam Schlosser



Hometown: Menomonee Falls, WI

Year in Formation: Junior

College: University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN)

College Major: Philosophy & Theology

Patron Saint: Pope St. John Paul II, St. Peregrine

Favorite Movie: Thor: Ragnarok

Favorite Books: The Giver

Favorite Music: The Lumineers, the Avett Brothers, Fun.

Hobbies: Singing in the folk choir, playing soccer, meeting people.

Most Memorable Prayer/Liturgy you have Attended: The Mass of my First Communion and confirmation at my parish, St. Mary’s Visitation.

Place of Pilgrimage you Most Want to Visit and why: Lourdes! I want to visit the place for which our own grotto at Notre Dame is named.

Favorite Way to Pray: I love to prayerfully journal.

Favorite Devotion: The Litany of Trust.

What drew you to Holy Cross? The Spirituality of Holy Cross compels Holy Cross religious to stand with the suffering just as Mary did at the foot of Jesus’ Cross. I too want to walk with others in this way!

Favorite Verse: Psalm 23.

Favorite Quote: “Stupidity is also a gift from God, but one mustn’t misuse it.” – Pope St. John Paul II

How can visitors to this page pray for you? Please pray for my growth in the virtue of humility; so that I may be better conformed to Christ.