Vocations Blog
Quo Vadis?
Where are you going?

Gratitude in the Form of 1000 Balloons
During my time in formation to be a Holy Cross brother, one of the priests I frequently went to for Confession regularly assigned me the penance to...

All Are in the Mission
Retreats are an important part of our religious life. Our Constitutions call us to make time to draw aside from our regular preoccupations for...

Pass Through the Gate
One of my favorite stories is about Fr. Pete McCormick, C.S.C., who is currently the Director of Campus Ministry at Notre Dame. When he was a senior...

I Have Been with You Wherever You’ve Been
On January 11-12, Andre House of Hospitality celebrated its 40th Anniversary of making God known, loved, and served on the streets of Phoenix. There...

I hate waiting in lines. I’m the kind of person who will settle for a salad bar in the dining hall when the...

Homecomings and Communities of the Coming Kingdom
The Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross speak of our feasts giving us occasions as a religious family to pray and celebrate together....

Leave Everything and Follow Him
The story of the rich man, which we read as the Gospel at Mass for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, is one of the foundational Scriptural texts for...

Witness to Hope
Before he became a groundbreaking philosopher and theologian, before he became a key figure in the fall of communism, and before he was chosen as...

People Join People: Finding the Right Fit for Your Vocation
After meeting with all the freshmen in Knott Hall where I’m the rector, I asked why they came to Notre Dame. There were a range of responses, but...

The Arrow of Perfect Love: Saint Teresa of Ávila
“On the other is a man disengaged from all the senses, superior to all inclinations of degraded nature, one who lives amid flames but is not burned,...

Undercover Angels: Ministry at André House
For the past couple months I have been regularly ministering to the guests, volunteers, and staff of André House of Hospitality in addition to my...

Consecrated Temples: The Vows of a Holy Cross Religious
A little over a month ago, five Holy Cross religious professed their final vows, perpetually consecrating themselves to God through the vows of...

Stonehill College: A Holy Cross Mission Statement
This semester, Stonehill College, where I serve on the faculty, is rolling out a new First-Year Writing requirement. While we had previously...

Called to be a Saint: A Holy Cross Reflection on St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Once during lunch on a silent retreat, I thought of a character named “The Big Flower.” The Big Flower is like St. Thérèse “The Little Flower,” but...

Ora et Labora and the Washing of Feet
“When we serve Him faithfully, it is our work that rouses us to prayer. The abundance of His gifts, dismay over our ingratitude and the crying needs...

The Five Pillars of Formation: The Moreau Seminary Renovation
As someone who has walked the halls of the old Moreau Seminary and eagerly anticipates the transition to the new facility, I am thrilled to share...

Using Improv to Introduce Spirituality: Campus Ministry at King’s College
Of the many components of training for our Resident Assistants at King’s College, perhaps the most formative and impactful session was brought to...

Our Academic Apostolate: Scholarship, Teaching, Service
I write this post as six other Holy Cross priests and I conclude our second annual “Writing Camp.” Two of us are junior faculty at Holy Cross...

Ministry in the Ebb of Summer
“Some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.” Matthew 13:8 In the ebb and flow of life as a campus minister,...

Education in the Halls: Moreau’s Vision Realized
As a men’s residence hall rector, I start over each August with a new staff and about 1/3 new residents. It’s a little like coaching a football...

Our Vows: Becoming More like Christ
Jesus speaks these words to Peter at the very end of the Gospel of John, after Peter tells Jesus three times that he loves him: “‘Amen, amen, I say...

Belonging to God & Those We Serve
As Holy Cross religious and priests, we profess and promise that everything we are, have, and do belongs singularly to God alone. Since my...

Inspiring Hearts with Unbounded Hope
During our orientation retreat for our men in formation in Chile this year, we watched a famous Chilean film called “No.” It portrays the end of the...

A Shepherd for the School
One of the great joys of pastoring a parish with a school, such as here at Holy Cross Parish and School in South Bend, is the opportunity to...